Scrape Maps Results with our Google Maps API
Our Google maps API allows you to scrape local businesses from search result pages. Sign up to for our free plan to get started.
Our Google maps API allows you to scrape local businesses from search result pages. Sign up to for our free plan to get started.
Our Google image search API is the perfect tool for a countless number of use cases.
The following example should give you an idea about what you can achieve with our maps search API. For further details, visit our Playground and our Documentation
Geotargeted searches enable you to check a businesses ranking at a certain location.
Scrape every single business for a given search query, by iterating over coordinate sets.
curl -X GET -G \
'' \
-H "apikey: your-apikey" \
-d "q=Coffee+House" \
-d "tbm=lcl" \
-d "location=Vienna,Vienna,Austria" \
// Specify a location for geolocated results
// Accepted Locations can be found at
curl -X GET -G \
'' \
-H "apikey: your-apikey" \
-d "q=Coffee+House" \
-d "tbm=lcl" \
-d "" \
-d "lat=48.2062277" \
-d "lng=16.3689201"
// Replace 'your-apikey' with your personal key
// Set tbm to 'isch' for image results
Our Google maps API provides plenty of setting parameters and filters that allow you to refine your search. For further testing, please visit our Playground
"maps_results": [
"coordinates": {
"latitude": "48.2062277",
"longitude": "16.3689201"
"place_id": "3604572143264609499",
"title": "Dorotheum Café",
"paid": false,
"address": "0 km · Spiegelgasse 16",
"stars": 4.6,
"reviews": 29,
"type": "Coffeeshop"
"coordinates": {
"latitude": "48.1997755",
"longitude": "16.3681734"
"place_id": "3617448001590023022",
"title": "Knockbox",
"paid": false,
"address": "700,0 m · Karlsplatz 14",
"stars": 4.8,
"reviews": 74,
"type": "Coffeeshop"
Loading your response :)
An error occured!
We believe in fair pricing. Hence, we offer you 50 API requests per month for free. No strings attached!
Getting started is easy. We provide an extensive request builder, that converts your requests into production ready code snippets.
Zenserp can be used with any programming language, as data can be simply retrieved by any HTTP client.
To provide you with the best developer experience possible, we also created a Postman collection covering all of our endpoints, including plenty of examples.
Google maps search features plenty of settings and filters. They are all available through zenserp.
Choose from a variety with different usage limits and features to match the size and scope of your project. All plans include real-time scraping capabilities and 24/7 customer support.
Contact us for a custom quote or view our high volume plan
Still have questions or need more information? Our team is here to help. Contact us today via phone, email, or live chat and we'll be more than happy to assist you in finding the perfect plan for your needs.
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